The potential to visit Kyrgyzstan's Jeti Oguz Gorge (Seven Bulls) is 28 kilometers away from the capital. If visitors want to rent a car and head straight to the line of rocks, red with the presence of the Bulls, it's a fun sight to see on the tour. Only the name of the gorge was awarded regardless of the appearance of the gorge. For these crises, referred to as the history of the region, evacuation plans are underway. In Kyrgyzstan, renting a car tour would pave the way for ideas to be learnt. Maybe we were trying to warn a few of them about this. It is understood that the notion of shooting bulls intrigued the king. In a red blood-symbolizing color, seven of them were killed to give the public a picture of sloping bulls. Have a nice time using the car rental tours of Kyrgyzstan.